7. Case of the month: FELS (focused ECHO in life support) in patient with dyspnea

(Case and images courtesy of Dr Ed Brentnall ultrasound reg, text Jay Perera, Genevieve Carbonatto) Triage: -3.06pm on Wednesday afternoon -Cat 3 to acute bed. 2/52 of worsening SOB on exertion +dry cough. Postural drop with CDA. -Observations: BP 116/65, HR 80, RR 24, sats 96% on room air, temp 35.9C History -2/52 exertional dyspnoea Read more about 7. Case of the month: FELS (focused ECHO in life support) in patient with dyspnea[…]

4. Case of the month: Ectopic pregnancy

Images Micky Fiorentino Triage: A 46 year old lady presented to the Emergency department after being referred by the early pregnancy assessment clinic for  an ectopic pregnancy and admission under O and G. She is 11 weeks pregnant. It is an IVF pregnancy. She is hemodynamically stable and is not complaining of abdominal pain. This is Read more about 4. Case of the month: Ectopic pregnancy[…]

1. Case of the month: Focussed Echo in Life Support(FELS)

(Case and images courtesy of Jay Perera, text Jay Perera and Genevieve Carbonatto) Triage: 30F presents with 2/7 of worsening palpitations, worse post Salbutamol. She has a history  of PTSD and anxiety. HR 78 regular. Further history: 3 years of fatigue and lethargy Complains of intermittent palpitations and dyspnoea. Trialled on Salbutamol by her GP Read more about 1. Case of the month: Focussed Echo in Life Support(FELS)[…]


Images James Dent An 80 year old had an unsuccessful cannulation for a CT scan. 4 days later she presented with bruising and tenderness of the left antecubital fossa  and a palpable pulsating mass. This is the US of the area B mode sonography shows a large pseudoaneurysm . The aneurysm is connected to the Read more about Pseudoaneurysm[…]