
Giant retroperitoneal haematoma

Images and text Genevieve Carbonatto An 88 year old woman presents to ED from a nursing home hypotensive. She has recently been admitted to hospital with pneumonia, CCF, AF and bilateral below knee DVT’s. She was discharged on warfarin. She is generally feeling tired, has abdominal pain and is vomiting coffee ground vomit. On examination, Read more about Giant retroperitoneal haematoma[…]

Epiploic fat torsion

Image by Genevieve Carbonatto   A 52 year old lady presented to the Emergency department with acute , severe,  epigastric pain and vomiting. A point of care ultrasound was performed which showed a normal gall bladder with no stones. Insonating over the area of maximal tenderness which was just below the xiphisternum showed a rounded hyperechoic Read more about Epiploic fat torsion[…]