
Images by Genevieve Carbonatto Parasternal long axis, (PLAX) of the left ventricle showing thickened LV walls and reduced ejection fraction.   Measurements of the interventricular septum, (IVS) and LV infero-lateral (posterior) wall (LVPW) should be measured in a straight line across the minor axis of the LV. The measurements should be performed at end diastole, the Read more about Amyloidosis[…]


Images Genevieve Carbonatto    Parasternal long axis (PLAX) of the left ventricle demonstrating asymmetric septal hypertrophy, compare the thickness of the interventricular septum, (IVS) in diastole with the infero-lateral (posterior) LV wall.  The IVS / LVPW > 1.3 : 1.  The LV cavity almost completely obliterates, “kissing walls” suggesting hypovolaemia.  The left atrium, (LA) is Read more about Amyloidosis[…]