Appendicitis , right ovarian cyst

Images Genevieve Carbonatto   A 34 year old woman  presents to the Emergency Department  with a 3 day history of right iliac fossa pain. An outpatient pelvic ultrasound showed a right ovarian cyst with some  fluid in the pouch of Douglas. The ruptured ovarian cyst was thought to be the cause of her pain. A Read more about Appendicitis , right ovarian cyst[…]

Appendicitis 11 weeks pregnant

Images Genevieve Carbonatto An  11 week pregnant patient presented to the Emergency department complaining of right iliac fossa  pain. Ultrasound examination shows appendicitis. Features consistent with this include  Thickened appendix which measures 1.36cm. Target sign – hypoechoic walls Non compressible appendix Lack of peristalsis “creeping fat” or hyperechoic mesentery surrounding appendix