Discuss the use of Echocardiography/Doppler in the assessment of the complications of acute myocardial infarction
Acute/subacute complications
- Cardiogenic shock
- Thrombus formation
- Myocardial rupture
- Papillary muscle rupture
- Ischaemic ventricular septum defect
- Remodelling of the heart
- Aneurysm
- Right heart failure
- Late thrombus
- Mitral regurgitation
Assessment using ECHO
Regional wall abnormalities
- Will depend on size and coronary artery vessels affected. Need to do full cardiac views to evaluate properly
Cardiogenic shock :
- Poor LV function on
- EF : 2D ECHO using fractional shortening (inaccurate if RWA present , requires good PLAX views which are not oblique)
- EF : Using Simpson’s Method ( (ED vol – ES vol) / EDvol X 100) ( requires good apical 4 chamber and 2 chamber views , takes time)
- SV : LVOT VTI (cm) X Area of LVOT (requires good 3 or 5 chamber views for LVOT VTI and good PLAX view to measure diameter of LVOT) Need to get an average of 3 measurements if patient is in AF
- Measure contractility of LV dP/dt Nomal 1200mmHg /sec , reduced < 800 mmHg/sec Measure the slope of the regurgitatant MR signal between 1 and 3 m/s (disadvantage need MR, inexact)
- Size of LV : Normal if less than 5.5 cm but dependent on size of patient. Athletes may have 6cm – normal
- Eye ball contractility of LV in PLAX and PSAX views and in 4 cardiac windows
Thrombus formation:
- 2D ECHO to look for thrombus. Need to put the focus in the area of interest. Early on thrombi are completely anechoic and may not be seen
- Put colour Doppler to check that thrombus does not perfuse
- Visible in > 1 plane
- Measure size to monitor treatment effects
Myocardial rupture
- Pericardial effusion and tamponade
- Pericardial effusion with associated tamponade
Echo can assess and measure the effusion and assess haemodynamic effects of tamponade
RV/RV collapse/LA collapse/Tricuspid inflow inspiratory E wave changes > 40% and inflow changes on expiration >25% through mitral valve
Papillary muscle rupture
- Rupture of postero papillary muscle is more common than the anterolateral one which had a dual blood supply
- Severe mitral regurgitation :
- May have a lack of distinct mitral regurgitation jet due to a large regurgitant orifice and low flow velocity mitral regurgitation – need TEE
- Triangular shape of mitral regurgitation because of low systolic blood pressure in shock and pressure equilibrium between the left ventricle and the left atrium
- Flail papillary muscle
- Left ventricular overload with dilatation of LV
Ischaemic ventricular septum rupture
- Can see a disrupted interventricular septum (usually distal anterior or basal inferior)
- Colour Doppler shows flow from LV to RV in systole
- CW Doppler velocity depends on the size of the rupture and the pressure gradient between the right and left ventricles
- Elevated pulmonary flow velocities across the pulmonary valve
- Acute pulmonary hypertension
- Dilation and akinesis of aneurysmal area
- Slow flow phenomenon in aneurysmal area
- Best views 2CV and atypical views
Right heart failure
- Enlarged RV
- Poor RV contraction
Late mitral regurgitation due to remodelling of the heart assess
- Colour flow Doppler
- Difficult to evaluate degree of MR if MR jet is eccentric
- Look at vena contracta
- If regurgitant jet on colour Doppler takes up > than 40% of LA then severe