Ruptured right ectopic, 7 weeks

Images by Genevieve Carbonatto

A 7 week pregnant lady presents to the Emergency department with sudden onset of severe abdominal pain. Her BP is 100/80. She is pale and sweaty. She is directed immediately to the resuscitation room. This is her pelvic scan. A  small gestational sac is visible in the right adnexa  with a visible yolk sac.  The uterus is empty. There is hyperechoic blood, (clot)  behind the uterus.

The uterus is empty. There is hyperechoic blood, (clot) behind the uterus in the Pouch of Douglas wich is difficult to differentiate from the uterus because of it’s  similar echogenicity. If you look carefully at the gestation sac as it is scanned through, a yolk sac is visible within it confirming this is an ectopic pregnancy and the structure is not a CL cyst. There is fluid in Morison’s pouch



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