Twins, 2 gestational sacs, 10 weeks

Images Genevieve Carbonatto A 10 week pregnant lady presents with PV spotting. On ultrasound 2 gestational sacs are present indicating heterozygous twins. This lady had had no previous scans. Each  gestational sac contains a viable fetus with an active heart beat. Longitudinal scan through uterus Fetal heart beat visible twin 1 Fetal heart beat visible Read more about Twins, 2 gestational sacs, 10 weeks[…]

Twins, single gestational sac, 9 weeks

Images by Genevieve Carbonatto A 9 week pregnant lady presents to the Emergency department with PV spotting. Her scan shows a  retroverted uterus and  twin pregnancies within one gesttaional sac. These are monozygotic twins. It is difficult to identify each twin seprately but there are definately 2 heart beats visible which can both berecorded using M Read more about Twins, single gestational sac, 9 weeks[…]